Michael Peters


I am a retired physician, and along with my wife, Mary Jo, we have a passion to see people walking in divine health.

How does a doctor trained in the medical profession get involved in divine healing?


This journey of divine health began when one of our sons was diagnosed with depression. The symptoms had developed slowly, and we were unaware of the serious nature of his illness. Even though our son received good medical care, we realized the medication was not treating the underlying cause of his depression.

On a day that I will never forget, I received a phone call while I was at a meeting at work. I heard the words no parent should ever have to hear. I was told: "Your son has taken an overdose of medication which is life-threatening." He was being rushed to the hospital.

I jumped in the car and drove frantically to the hospital. I was desperately crying out to God and asking for His help. In the emergency room, while waiting to see my son, I was texting several people and asking them to pray.  It was during this time, not knowing if my son would live, or if he would have permanent health problems, that I received a text from a friend.  The friend simply texted me the words, "God said that your son will recover."  Instantly, I was filled with peace. I called my wife, Mary Jo, and we both knew that God was going to take care of our son.  Our son remained in the hospital for three days, but he completely recovered and had no complications.

It was then that my wife and I fully realized that God created human beings with a body, mind, and spirit. For a person to overcome depression, we now understood that the spirit and mind of a person had to be healthy along with the health of their physical body. With encouragement from Mary Jo and me, our son pursued health in his spirit, mind, and body. He overcame his depression and is still living completely free of all symptoms without medications.

What Mary Jo and I discovered, we are now using to help others who are battling depression.

We have coached many people to Live Free from Depression without Medications. We also understand that most people have tried to get answers through other means and have not found the hope and healing they desire.

It is our mission to share our expertise and compassion to help you navigate your journey to divine health and freedom from depression

Dr. Michael Peters can help you experience the health you desire

  • REPUTABLE – Michael Peters has been in the medical and healing arena since 1987, a respected leader in his field and community.
  • EXPERIENCED – Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of people who have experienced healing and freedom from their illnesses
  • RESOURCES  We offer a wide variety of  programs. We use Godly principles and practical insights that get results.
  • CUSTOMIZABLE  All of our curriculum is customized to specifically address your individual needs. Click below to start your journey.
Heal Depression & Past Hurts Free Call

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5 Levels of Spoken Words by Michael Peters

This eBook is one of Michael Peters' most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:

  • The power of the words we speak
  • Speaking Life-Giving words can help you Live Free from depression
  • How to move from negative thinking and speaking to positive




"I have struggled with depression, anxiety, and heartburn for many years. I have seen multiple doctors, counselors and therapists, but none of them were able to give me the healing I desperately wanted. When I met Dr. Michael Peters, he was different. He encouraged me to trust God and showed me how to change my destructive ways of thinking. He and his wife Mary Jo were very kind and loving to me.

The process took some time, but Michael and Mary Jo never gave up on me. Through his compassionate coaching, I am now living a life of hope and peace completely healed of all my depression, anxiety, and heartburn. I am off all my medications, and I never even had any withdrawal symptoms. Thank you Jesus."


Waterloo, Iowa

"I was diagnosed with brain cancer in June, 2022. The doctors said that even with surgery, I would only have a few months to live. I had surgery at Mayo Clinic to remove the tumor and had a complication of
bleeding in my brain afterwards. I attended a healing service led by Michael Peters in September, 2022. During this service, Michael called me out and asked me to come forward. Michael told me that Jesus was healing me of my brain cancer, and then he and his wife prayed for me.

A few weeks later at a follow up appointment at Mayo Clinic, I received an amazing report. The doctors told me that I was released to go back to work, there was no evidence of the brain tumor, and the brain bleed was healed. I am so thankful that Jesus healed me."



Dr. Peters helped us to discern how to  navigate through our daughter's illness. Mike was able to cut through the fog of the world and give us counsel that resonated with our spirit. At that point, our daughter's cancer diagnosis became secondary, and our faith in God grew so that we could live with complete trust in God!  Instead of being demoralized or in a state of despair because of our daughter's illness, we had joy and peace in our life despite her circumstance.

 Dr. Peters' administrative gift and his personal tenacity make him relentless as he pursues God for answers and direction that others need. He's then able to share what is important to know or think about in the middle of the problem. Not only is he spiritually gifted to guide people through difficult times, he and his wife have a deep compassion for people. They help guide you through the problem, and you feel loved while they help you."